Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Pictures galore!

Here are some pictures of my adventures last week!

Jenna on the Canopy Walk. It consisted of 7 bridges like this one that were 40 m high in the rainforest.

My view from the room at the Coconut Grove Hotel. This was probably the most beautiful and serene spot I have been too.

View from the Cape Coast Slave Castle. Fishing boats sprinkle the surrounding shore.

 Cape Coast Slave Castle

 One of my students washing her hands! May seem like a simple thing, but it was a big deal that they put out a washing bucket, soap and a towel! She was also using the technique that I had taught her (notice the hand placement :)

 One of the classes I teach. They range from 4- 7 years old and this is a similar class to kindergarten. I don't teach them about hygiene as thy really don't speak much English, but I helped them with spelling and the alphabet. Their classroom is outside because the school doesn’t have any more room inside. On this day in particular it was pouring! All of the children moved their desks to the center of the shelter and just kept working. I was amazed that they didn’t get distracted.

1 comment:

  1. So proud of my Big for making a difference in their lives :)
